Tuesday, June 10, 2014

3rd year (JHS) Have you ever~

The question have you ever is another really fun lesson that the students enjoy because it allows them to express themselves and their experiences. After the a warm up activity I get right into "Have you ever~?". I usually do this by going around the room and asking students the target question. If they can answer great, if not I answer for them in a different voice. Then I go over the verbs they will be using by drilling and giving them a short verb conversion quiz:

The students have two minutes to finish the quiz and then we review the answers. I find this to be helpful for them to keep later on to study with. I also have large print outs of verb charts so that they can reference them later on in the lesson. After we complete this short quiz I move on to the powerpoint that has examples of what they could ask. A lot of them are silly and that's the point! After this review I give them their main WS:
As always I demo this in class with both the JTE and students that I feel are already fairly confident. First the students need to complete the written areas. Depending on the class this takes about 5 to 10 minutes. Then they get up and ask their friends the questions that they have written. Some of the students get really into it and ask things like, "Have you ever lived on the moon?". I find that the more sill the better. When they finish they come to me to get an OK stamp. I tell them to practice on the back with this sheet:

I find that a lot of the verbally shy students like to write me little notes to find out more about me!

Here are all the materials needed for the lesson:

Verb Conversion
Have you ever WS
Have you ever backsheet
Power Point

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